Every woman was once a little girl and as she grew, her body passed through every phase a female body was supposed to pass through. Every phase of her life ushers her body into new characteristics she may or may not be mentally ready for. Every woman’s reproductive cycle moves from puberty to menopause and postmenopause follows. Grab a cup of coffee and let’s get to know menopause better.

What Is Menopause?

Menopause is the permanent end of a woman’s menstrual cycles and fertility, marking the end of reproductive years. It is a natural biological process that usually occurs between the ages of 45-55, but can occur earlier or later. Symptoms may include hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness. Hormonal therapy can be used to treat some symptoms, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for overall health during and after menopause. If you are looking for a reliable, natural supplement to help ease the symptoms of menopause, try hormonal support supplement from slaefitness.com. These supplements provide safe, effective relief from the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings.

Stages of Menopause

The menopausal phase of a woman’s life lasts for several years and has three stages;

  • Perimenopause

Perimenopause is the period of time leading up to menopause when a woman’s hormonal levels begin to fluctuate and her menstrual periods become irregular.

It typically begins in a woman’s 40s, but can start as early as her late 30s, and can last several years. During this time, women may experience symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness.

Hormonal changes can also increase the risk of certain health problems, such as osteoporosis and heart disease. Perimenopause marks the transition from a woman’s reproductive years to menopause.

  • Menopause

This stage either starts 12 months after a woman’s last menstruation or when she stops seeing her period for certain clinical reasons like the removal of her ovaries.

  • Postmenopause

This phase refers to the years after menopause. Not every woman knows when she has reached this stage as it is difficult to know when menopause has ended and postmenopause begins.

Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause brings with it physical, hormonal, and mental changes which may be before menstruation ends or after it has ended. Towards the end of menstruation, women experience what are known as the first or early signs of menopause. Below are some of the early signs you might notice.

Early signs of menopause

  • Hot flashes

Hot flashes can be described as sudden feelings of heat in the upper part of the body. This warm sensation is often accompanied by sweating and blushing. Women who experience this complain of warmth that spreads from their face down to their neck, chest, or upward and causes them to sweat profusely keeping them uncomfortable. Depending on your body, these flashes can be mild or severe and come with night sweats.

  • Irregular menstruation

Although missed periods might indicate pregnancy, it is also the first sign of approaching menopause. Your menstruation occurs less frequently and it is either lighter or heavier. However, when you discover that your periods are irregular, do well to see a doctor to rule out pregnancy or any other health issues.

  • Lower fertility

Estrogen levels start dropping as a woman approaches menopause. This reduces her chances of getting pregnant. Some women are thrilled as this means no more need for birth control, others who still wish to have babies, are not so thrilled.

  • Emotional changes

This is often a result of hormonal changes, low libido distress, etc. These emotional changes are depression, anxiety, Irritability, and mood swings.

  • Vaginal dryness

Vaginal itching, dryness, and discomfort may start during perimenopause and into menopause. As a result of this dryness, sexual intercourse becomes painful as the hormones responsible for naturally preparing the vagina for penetration during sex are not responsive because of menopause.

  • Sleep disorders

This is often a result of night sweats, an increased need to urinate, anxiety, and cold chills.

Other changes include;

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue

  • Sore breasts

  • Bone loss

  • Increased need to urinate

Causes of Menopause

Every woman has ovaries that store eggs and make hormones called estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones are responsible for regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle. They are responsible for when a woman’s period starts and ends. They are also responsible for when her eggs which mark her ovulation are released. So, when the ovaries stop releasing eggs and menstruation stops, then the woman is said to have entered menopause.

Menopause is a common part of aging when it comes after the age of 40. However, for different reasons such as a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the ovaries), damage to the ovaries from therapies like chemotherapy, and drug abuse, some women might go into early menopause. Menopause that occurs before you clock 40 is called premature menopause.


Menopause is a natural phenomenon and so cannot be treated. Rather, its symptoms can be managed to make the phase bearable for most women. These are some of the recommended treatments for menopause symptoms.

  • Eating a healthy diet

  • Regular exercise to keep your mind off depressive thoughts and anxiousness.

  • Use of medications, lubricants, and moisturizers to relieve vaginal dryness.

  • Lifestyle changes such as reduction of alcohol intake, drinking cold water and using a fan when having hot flashes.

  • Hormone replacement therapy: You can take hormonal medications to replace inactive hormones.

  • Use of vitamin D supplements to treat loss of bone density.

  • Use of services of companies that give monoclonal antibody services to help treat certain menopausal symptoms

In Conclusion

Menopause is another phase of life and not a health problem or a death sentence. Although it comes with some discomforting symptoms and hormonal changes, a lot of women think of it as a time of liberation. No more tampons, cramps, or the fear of getting pregnant as an older lady. That is a fine taste of liberation.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].